Hello! I’m Semen Orekhov. I am an experienced Machine Learning Engineer, passionate about computer vision and GANs, professional fencer and amateur runner. Open for job offers with relocation.

Age 22
Address 32 Udarnikov Pr, Building 1, St. Petersburg, Russia
Email funnysemen@gmail.com
Phone +7(905)202-53-57


Professional Skills

Computer Vision

Working Experience

Junior Data Scientist at Statanly Technologies
Dec, 2021 - present
  • Marketing campaigns budgets distribution API. Developed system, based on softmax multi-armed bandit.
  • Objects tracker. Multiple classes objects flow counter. The system is based on fine-tuned YOLOv5 and correlational tracker.
  • Rendering tracked objects on 2D map. The system of projecting of the object trace from multiple cameras to the 2D camera.
  • Dangerous situations detection system for aluminium plant.
Software developerfreelance
2016 - Dec, 2021
  • Betting bot. My first pet project. System collected the tennis matches data, compared odds and players ELOs and betted for the most reliable players. 100$ profit.
  • TikTok videos download telegram bot. Google Drive API, Tiktok API, avoiding proxies.
  • Course assistant telegram bot. The questions answering system based on searching answers in ElasticSearch knowledge base.


Bachelor of Computer Science

from ITMO University
2020 - 2024
Specialization: Neurotechnologies and programming
Software developer from ITMO University College
2016 - 2020
Final project: Semantic analysis of tender applications, graded 5(A).